Our Virtual Ancestry Research Services here at Ukrainian-Ancestry.com may encompass private in-person audio and video interviews with living relatives together with Visual Media Coverage of your Ancestral homesites, towns, shtetls, burial grounds, and cultural places of interest.
We also can perform detailed Archival Research for Vital Records in the Ukrainian State Archives; conduct searches of Public Immigration files and Genealogical Registers available from international Ports of Entry and online genealogical research facilities; all delivered to your desktop via our private secure online resources.
We at Ukrainian-Ancestry.com can search for metrical or “Vital” records of births, marriages and deaths, school annals, voter registers, tax payer property transcripts, church log books, old phone directories, immigration passenger lists, and other archival documents that may help you find information about your ancestors. We typically conduct our Ancestry Research in the Western Ukrainian State Archives such as those in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil or in Lutsk and may be able to schedule research at the archives in the other Oblasts in Western Ukraine. Research at Ukraine’s Civil Registry Offices that house more recent vital records can also be pre-arranged online.
Searching for metrical records in Ukraine can be a time-consuming, complex, and demanding process that typically includes placing a request for specific types of documents – like cadastral [property] records – ahead of time; then waiting for a period of time – often several days – before obtaining the materials; then ultimately paging through voluminous folios handwritten in old Slavonic, Polish or Latin. But this is what we do, so we recommend that our talented researches handle these tasks.
Our multi-lingual researchers here at Ukrainian-Ancestry are familiar with the archival procedures here in Ukraine and via extensive prior experience have developed effective strategies for meeting the bureaucratic challenges posed by archival research procedures, interpreting multiple languages, deciphering archaic handwriting, and facing long delays in obtaining responses to requests for records.
Of course a search for living relatives is only viable if prior archival research has been conducted successfully. At the very least we will need an ancestor’s name, place of birth or habitation, and a date range to even begin a search. Based on the information retrieved in the course of an archival ancestry search, a quest for living relatives can then be conducted. This could involve our research specialist driving to your ancestor’s home village, taking photos and/or recording videos, possibly locating an ancestral family home, finding living relatives, and collecting any contact information.
If you have any questions feel free to make use of our Enquiry Form posted here and please do not hesitate to call or email us. Plus you can always fill out our more detailed Virtual Services Enquiry Form to help us focus on your specific Ukrainian Ancestry needs and requirements.
+380 (50) 242 75 54
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